Today around a quarter to 3 (am) I mused as to why people hadn't to this day sorted out the problems caused by relationships between the sexes - when almost all possible structures had been developed and dismissed again, and none seems to have made us happy.
That's why revolutions don't work, I conjured. Because the problem isn't in the structure of the problematic area, it's inside ourselves.
As in our whole life, actually, in that the problems we struggle with aren't caused by our surroundings (severe father, shit job, whatever) but by the way we receive the signals from them (the surroundings).
If, for instance, if we hear something, we decide whether to hear a noise or a sweet song, to put it extremely. Only we don't decide ourselves but our decisions are determined by our earlier experiences which, over the years, moulded our very own mode of receiving signals. These determinators of receptance and therefore dominators of our life, were influenced by our own hidden-away unconfessed disappointments. Things we felt but didn't admit (to ourselves) we felt. So they linger, grow ugly and hard, and create more and more misconceptions which, in turn, deepen the misery by making it gradually more and more impossible to see 'clearly'.
Who ever does, anyway? No one.
And even this 'God' who does, doesn't have any benefit from it.
We humans can't see a point unless it's brought home to us somewhat fierce. If someone merely told us, we wouldn't accept it. However, even after we felt and saw, we forget. So all 'God' can do is sit and watch us like somebody watching a film in which no one knows what's going on except the spectator (thinks he knows). Like this spectator, 'God' can't prevent anything from happening, because even if he tried to interfere, they'd just do something equally weird - or just do it later instead.
And then there is this element of chaos which, in our example of film-watching, is maybe represented by an unexpected twist in the plot.
You're dead sure about what's going to happen, and then this little surprise element turns up and changes the situation beyond recognition.
And that's beautiful, that's life, thats - love???
It's THE miracle and we should be darn glad it exists instead of complaining about missing security!!!
Without it, we're condemned to do the circles again and again and again - for all the precious things we learn are scoffed at by our children and have been forgotten by the time our grandchildren start wondering.
Only, this happens faster and faster while the 'little circles' within our own, private cosmos become flatter and flatter. Less dimentional.
In the end, will they all be digital? Merely virtual? How far has this already progressed?
Look at the virtual 'food' we eat in such a matter-of-fact way - and I'm not talking of vitamin pills and dietary supplements! How much of the real thing is still in the food people buy in the supermarkets, lured by the ever-sweet siren-song of the marketing assholes?
All the virtual feelings we experience, together, in front of the TV.
Or on our own, in front of the computer.
All the virtual toil that's done, work without any beneficiary or even useful end, but which is done anyway as there seems to be no way to stop it - without damage done too great to even be considered.
Fear (felt by ordinary folks) and Greed (which determines the acts of the inflated ones) will always stand in our way.
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